Mini Pizzas
Today my kids made their own lunch and loved it. We made mini pizzas. We got this idea from our Centsibly Savvy reader Crystal. This is what we used and how much it cost:
Hamburger buns x 3 @ .08 each=.24
Shredded cheese Kraft cheese was free (on sale at Walmart for 2.00 I used a 1.00 off coupon with an Albertsons doubler making it free
Ragu red sauce- I got this sauce free a while back with the ragu promo at Albertsons.
Total for todays lunch for 3 kids = .24 Now that is a Centsibly Savvy lunch
I let the kids put the sauce and cheese on the hamburger buns. Then we cooked them in the oven at 350 for about 8 minutes and Voila!!! Happy and proud kids enjoying their lunch.